Wednesday 15 December 2010

Commission Crazy!

I have had several commissions in the run up to christmas, here are a few so far, there are more to come so over the next week im going to be super busy to try and get them finished!! After christmas I will be continuing with some conceptual work and may do some painting!

KTContemporary Gallery PV Images

Thursday 2 December 2010


Arrived in Ireland this morning, we dropped my work off at the gallery space, which is looking lovely. The private view is tommorrow night 6-9. (more info at Hopefully the snow won't put people off coming!!

New commission completed

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Group Exhibition

KTContemporary, Donnybrooke, Dublin

KTContemprary is an art space that will operate as a commercial gallery dedicated to showing young, graduate, emergent art selling at low price points in curated exhibitions. The space will be a temporary site initially with the view to opening something more permanent in the future. All works will be under €1000 and the idea is to fill a gap in the market offering young, good value high quality art that is authentic and backed up by an intelligent artistic process with real investment potential for the future in terms of the piece that the client is buying and the career they are supporting. 

Private View 3rd December. 

Monday 15 November 2010

Life Drawing

Most of these are 3-5 min sketches, I will post the longer ones when I have photographed them.

Monday 1 November 2010

Life away from Uni

Since leaing university I have managed to get a job and leave a job, and managed to get through three cars! It's all good fun. Whilst trying to battle with the grown up world I struggled with my drawing to begin with, finding the drive to draw or paint was difficult going from intense deadlines to none at all.

I know that if I want to be an artist no one is going to know where or what I am unless I show/tell them.

So I decided to just go for it, I have posted hundreds of business cards attached to price lists through lots and lots of doors, emailed numerous amounts of people, spent hours on axis, artquest and arts hub traulling through all the competitions, open call exhibitions ect. Through doing that I have managed to slowly get things going. So far I have a few commissions and a tattoo design in the works. Also I met with a lady who is setting up a 'pop up' gallery in Dublin who likes my university work and would like to take it over there to put in her gallery. I am going to help tutor at Fareham Art Group workshops, and have been invited to do a demonstration at Fair Oak Art society.

So at the moment I have a few things happening, which is great! I am really looking forward to seeing what happens next, as long as I can keep drawing I will be happy.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Close up of degree show drawings

"Elephant" was exhibited at MIWAS exhibition in august 2010 (I still need to get the photograph of it finished!)

Sunday 22 August 2010

This is the invite for Guildford Art@work and Clyde &co exhibition, I am doing a short speach about my work, little bit nervous!! But I love drawing so I'm sure I can find something to say!

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Monday 10 May 2010

Frozen moments of joy and fear.

Work for degree show!

This is the work framed, its a float mount frame, I wanted to remind people that the work is pencil on paper, that it is a drawing not normally thought of as final pieces of work.

This is the work I am currently producing manically to get ready for my degree show. They are detailed pencil drawings that i distort of move in some way to make a pattern.